Common Mistakes When Setting Up a Tactical Belt

Common Mistakes When Setting Up a Tactical Belt

A combat belt is a specific type of load-bearing equipment that enables you to carry weapons, tactical gear, and extra equipment. A combat belt is worn around the waist in the same way as a regular belt. Battle belts, however, may be hefty and are made heavier by adding extra equipment. Suspenders can be added in this situation to support the additional weight. Battle belts are well-liked by the military, police enforcement, and emergency services because of its extra utility features. They are useful for licensed wild animal hunters as well as recreational target shooters. Here, are some common mistakes to avoid when setting up a tactical belt.

The Right Fit 

What will happen if they lose weight is a worry that some individuals have when purchasing a gun belt. That makes logical, no? Here, you're spending a substantial money on a belt that will eventually be worthless to you since there will be less of you, necessitating the purchase of a new belt. Well, there is some leeway, which is excellent news. The bad news is that it only extends so far. The good news is that you can probably modify your belt a little and continue to wear it while you lose weight. The size range for each of Shield Concept’s tactical belts is around 4 inches. 

Tactical Belt Stitching 

It's important to pay attention to the belt stitching since that's how the belt is put together. Some belts, like web belts or other belts that employ a solid strap of cloth, have little to no stitching. These belts CAN serve as a pistol belt provided they are constructed of a sturdy enough material. Look at any stitching closely. Are there any frayed or slack threads? A belt is of low quality if it begins to disintegrate even before it is worn. The amount of stitches needed to keep anything together should be sufficient and as consistent as feasible. Even if the stitching breaks at one particular spot on the belt, the stitching will still hold across the entire belt.

Belt Stiffener 

Tactical belts must last longer and withstand greater stress than regular belts do, which is why many of them incorporate a belt stiffener. For a pistol belt, a stiffener is unquestionably an excellent idea since, with the correct stiffener, the belt will hold better and longer than one without one. Several distinct types of reinforcing materials are frequently used in reinforced gun belt designs. A frequent insert is stiff nylon weave, which is extremely rigid but yet has some flexibility.

Not Getting the Right Size Holster 

This error is committed by choosing a shoddy-built holster rather than a cheap one. You probably won't use that nylon holster you purchased on sale for $2.99 as your primary holster. There are some excellent holsters that are not too pricey, and there are some really bad holsters that are very expensive. Whatever material you choose for your holster, it must be capable of securely holding your pistol and comfortable enough to wear throughout the day.

People who have been carrying for a long time typically have a drawer full of holsters in their home since the original holsters didn't function properly. Don't be hesitant to try out a few different holsters to see which one best suits your lifestyle and physical makeup. The advantages of purchasing a high-quality holster much outweigh the actual expense of doing so.

Magazine Pouches 

One of the most crucial components of your combat belt configuration are your magazine pouches. You can nearly never have ammo while on the field. It's important to pick the right sort of magazine pouches and arrange them properly. Your ability to reload quickly and your likelihood of surviving a combat situation will both rise as a result. Here, let's get back to the fundamentals. You should always have at least one magazine for your main weapon and two spare magazines for your backup weapon on you.

If your primary weapon is a pistol and you don't run a rifle, you will have a lot more room for handgun magazines and you could need to utilize three or four extra magazines. Your magazine pouches should be kept in a spot that is simple and quick for you to reach.

The most effective position for most shooters to execute this is on opposing sides of the body. Such, if you're right-handed, you should line up your belt so that one pouch is at around 11 o'clock on the left side and the other is at about 12 o’clock. Your combat belt arrangement will often include your sidearm magazine pouches immediately close to the buckle, followed by your rifle/main weapon magazines.

Adjusting the Belt in Public 

This error occurs when something has happened that requires you to re-adjust your holster, as opposed to checking to verify if the pistol is still in the holster. This is something you should never do in public. Readjusting will make you more noticeable than simply touching the pistol because of the movement involved. The ideal locations to modify your clothing if you need to in a public setting are a locked restroom stall, your car, or a changing facility without surveillance cameras. Simply choose a quiet area where you can do the necessary repairs without fearing that someone will see what you are doing.

Other Features of a Tactical Belt 

The buckle of a tactical belt helps keep it all together, which is why the buckle needs to be sturdy and well built. In case you were wondering, here are a few important factors to keep in mind when choosing a tactical belt with the best quality buckle;

  • Release - A quick-release button is a common component of tactical belts. However, some contain additional security layers, including D-loops, to provide a more secure attachment. The latter will take off a little bit later. Think about the work you'll be using your belt for and if speed of wear is more important than security of fastening, or vice versa.
  • Weight - As discussed before, the material you pick for your buckle may affect its weight, sometimes not by a little amount. This is something to keep in mind while making your purchase since you don't want to start feeling the weight of your tactical pouches and other gear.
  • Material - You could assume that a metal belt buckle is the logical choice of material for buckle. But using a non-metallic material for the buckle is becoming increasingly typical and makes more sense. For instance, since plastic buckles don't trigger metal detectors, they are perfect for those who frequently pass through metal detectors. However, there are still several designs that use a classic, metal buckle and are quite durable for doing so.
  • Comfort - Make sure your hunting belt is comfy because you'll be using it a lot. Choose a belt that won't irritate or chafe your skin and has just the right amount of padding to offer support without being overly large.
  • Breathability - you'll be doing a lot of walking while you're out hunting, (and perhaps even some jogging), so you need a belt that won't make you overheat and perspire. Look for a belt made of mesh or leather that is permeable.

To find out about more features of a tactical belt and how to choose the best one visit Shield Concept today to find some of the best options in tactical vests and belts.